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Events in October 2024

  • Second Annual Pinball Expo Virtual Pinball Retro Gaming Tournament

    Category: tournament Second Annual Pinball Expo Virtual Pinball Retro Gaming Tournament

    October 17, 2024

    Set scores and compete on 9 different tables (3 different games) to be crowned the Pinball Expo Virtual Pinball Retro Gaming Tournament 2024 Champion.
    Each day the top winner will receive half the entry fee total. For the finals there will be 1st 2nd 3rd place trophies designed by Rob Berk!

    The tournament is $10 to enter with your paid Pinball Expo admission and gamers of all skill and experience levels are encouraged to participate.
    You can play each table 2 times each day with your highest score standing. Player must alternate turns with other players.

    The scoring for the tournament is the standard points-based structure.
    You accumulate points based on how many people play in the tournament.
    You earn 1 point for each person you score ahead of; for example, if there are 10 people in the tournament, 1st place would be worth 10 points and a 2nd place score would be worth 9 and so on.
    The top 3 players from each day will play during the finals (should be 9 players).

    Tournament Games and Times

    • Zaccaria Pinball, THURS 12PM-10PM
    • Pinball Arcade, FRI 12PM-10PM
    • Pinball M, SAT 10AM-4PM
    • mystery game, SAT 5PM-10PM

    the first 3 games are 10.00 entry fee the last one is free for the finalist
    If you want to compete, notify Paul Zimmerman in the Event Hall Retro Games area at the Paul Zimmerman/Video Game Centre booth.
    Cash prize will be given each day at 10:30PM (4:30PM for Tournament 3) at the Paul Zimmerman/Video Game Centre booth.
    The finals prizes will be given at 10:30PM. The winner(s) each day must be in attendance to receive the prize.
    Thanks and good luck!!
    Paul “world champion, video game trading card #1” Zimmerman

  • Second Annual Pinball Expo Virtual Pinball Retro Gaming Tournament

    Category: tournament Second Annual Pinball Expo Virtual Pinball Retro Gaming Tournament

    October 18, 2024

    Set scores and compete on 9 different tables (3 different games) to be crowned the Pinball Expo Virtual Pinball Retro Gaming Tournament 2024 Champion.
    Each day the top winner will receive half the entry fee total. For the finals there will be 1st 2nd 3rd place trophies designed by Rob Berk!

    The tournament is $10 to enter with your paid Pinball Expo admission and gamers of all skill and experience levels are encouraged to participate.
    You can play each table 2 times each day with your highest score standing. Player must alternate turns with other players.

    The scoring for the tournament is the standard points-based structure.
    You accumulate points based on how many people play in the tournament.
    You earn 1 point for each person you score ahead of; for example, if there are 10 people in the tournament, 1st place would be worth 10 points and a 2nd place score would be worth 9 and so on.
    The top 3 players from each day will play during the finals (should be 9 players).

    Tournament Games and Times

    • Zaccaria Pinball, THURS 12PM-10PM
    • Pinball Arcade, FRI 12PM-10PM
    • Pinball M, SAT 10AM-4PM
    • mystery game, SAT 5PM-10PM

    the first 3 games are 10.00 entry fee the last one is free for the finalist
    If you want to compete, notify Paul Zimmerman in the Event Hall Retro Games area at the Paul Zimmerman/Video Game Centre booth.
    Cash prize will be given each day at 10:30PM (4:30PM for Tournament 3) at the Paul Zimmerman/Video Game Centre booth.
    The finals prizes will be given at 10:30PM. The winner(s) each day must be in attendance to receive the prize.
    Thanks and good luck!!
    Paul “world champion, video game trading card #1” Zimmerman

  • Second Annual Pinball Expo Virtual Pinball Retro Gaming Tournament

    Category: tournament Second Annual Pinball Expo Virtual Pinball Retro Gaming Tournament

    October 19, 2024

    Set scores and compete on 9 different tables (3 different games) to be crowned the Pinball Expo Virtual Pinball Retro Gaming Tournament 2024 Champion.
    Each day the top winner will receive half the entry fee total. For the finals there will be 1st 2nd 3rd place trophies designed by Rob Berk!

    The tournament is $10 to enter with your paid Pinball Expo admission and gamers of all skill and experience levels are encouraged to participate.
    You can play each table 2 times each day with your highest score standing. Player must alternate turns with other players.

    The scoring for the tournament is the standard points-based structure.
    You accumulate points based on how many people play in the tournament.
    You earn 1 point for each person you score ahead of; for example, if there are 10 people in the tournament, 1st place would be worth 10 points and a 2nd place score would be worth 9 and so on.
    The top 3 players from each day will play during the finals (should be 9 players).

    Tournament Games and Times

    • Zaccaria Pinball, THURS 12PM-10PM
    • Pinball Arcade, FRI 12PM-10PM
    • Pinball M, SAT 10AM-4PM
    • mystery game, SAT 5PM-10PM

    the first 3 games are 10.00 entry fee the last one is free for the finalist
    If you want to compete, notify Paul Zimmerman in the Event Hall Retro Games area at the Paul Zimmerman/Video Game Centre booth.
    Cash prize will be given each day at 10:30PM (4:30PM for Tournament 3) at the Paul Zimmerman/Video Game Centre booth.
    The finals prizes will be given at 10:30PM. The winner(s) each day must be in attendance to receive the prize.
    Thanks and good luck!!
    Paul “world champion, video game trading card #1” Zimmerman

    1st Annual PBX/VGS Cosplay Contest

    Category: tournament 1st Annual PBX/VGS Cosplay Contest

    October 19, 2024

    Rules for the first annual Pinball Expo/Video Game Summit Cosplay Contest:

    1. All contestants have to abide by the rules of cosplay for the event as shown under the Get Involved banner. If a facet of your costume(s) violates the rules, a video of its function and an explanation of its build will be accepted into consideration as long as you are not breaking the cosplay safety rules and con code of conduct. (e.g., The cosplayer is dressed as Coma-Doof Warriror from Fury Road and has constructed a flame throwing electric guitar. Flame is not allowed at the con. The cosplayer can bring a device that plays the video of its functioning and explain how their device works without fueling or firing it.).
    2. No stunts. Not on stage, not in general, none. If you think that if you asked it would be cautioned against, don’t do it. If you wish the durability or functionality of your costume under duress to be considered, again – bring a video device whether that is your smart phone or your handler’s laptop.
    3. All costumes will be judged as if they are in a complete state.
    4. Build books are not required. However, any documentation of your build may help. After all, do not assume judges are experts on all things and will automatically understand the nuances of chemical crystal growth, Sassanian dynasty weaving technique, or breeding plants to extract dyes from. So please be prepared to explain your methods. Materials left with judging during pre-judging may be claimed after the contest end..
    5. Expect to have five (5) minutes to present you costume in pre-judging. This may take longer at the discretion of con staff. If you are pre-registered, please abide by your time. Should you miss your time and there is day of contestants in line, then you may have to wait for an indeterminate period. If you are entering without pre-registration, please keep your place in line as we may not be able to get to everyone who would like to participate
    6. Expect to have one (1) minute on stage during the contest itself. Please be available for the contest at 5:30 pm 10/19/2024
    7. Group costumes can be considered as a single entry.
    8. Costume makers are to be considered the contestant. If a model is wearing a costume by a maker, the maker must be present at pre-judgement and well as the contest as the model is ineligible. This is true of group costumes as well.
    9. an entry can have a handler (i.e., someone to help guide large or cumbersome costumes, bring water, and generally provide aid to the person in costume). This single handler rule is true of group costumes worn by multiple people. An entry’s handler will be allowed with them wherever the costume is allowed. Youth entrants _must_ have a handler that is a legal adult that is legally responsible for the minor.

    The following is the criteria that a cosplay will be judged on:

    • Technique. These are the various methods that you used to create your cosplay. This includes (but does not exclude things not on this list) you’re patterning and modeling, sewing, armor creation, material sourcing and selection, printing, finishing, painting, make-up, wig work, prosthetics, and everything that you’ve had to do to create the costume itself and the complete look. Please note that the less of your costume you create percentage wise is less that you can present for this criteria.
    • Presentation. Are your cloth seams straight when they are supposed to be? Are your armor seams visible when they are not supposed to be? Are you clothes in the condition that is representative of your character? Your wig? Make-up application? Any special effects neeed to be functioning properly. Please note that the less of your costume you create percentage wise, is less that you can present for this criteria. Any costume should display what it wants to display and hide what needs hiding. (e.g. Mr. Clean should be the brightest white it can be but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will automatically beat a Clayface from Batman in this category just because Clayface is a mud monster.)
    • Ambition. Difficulty of the creation is a factor. The more complex and skill intensive the costume will be considered in its favor. Hoping for things that are not included in the costume itself will not be – see all costumes being judged as if completed.
    • Functionality. How well can you move in this costume? How well can you perceive in this costume? How long can the costume be worn for? Did you consider how you’re going to breathe in it? The more the costume constrains you, the lower this criteria will be judged. This category may be a tradeoff for many costumes that make up for it in other categories, such as giant robots or full body aliens and monsters.
    • Wow factor. Judging may be poker faced as to not imply a winner too early. You want to break that poker face. The more you are identical to your reference, the harder to believe your cosplay exists, the greater the embellishments – everything will be considered
    • *Special Category: Stage Presentation. One of the plaques up for grabs is Audience’ Choice. Make your minute on stage a special experience for those that came to cheer you on.
    • *Special Category: Pinball Inclusion. One of the plaques up for grabs is Best Use of Pinball in Design. We are at Pinball Expo after all.

    Accommodations – Ask us. You may require a service animal. You may require a drink of water. You may require a moment to calm down because it is your first time getting judged for a cosplay contest. Ask us and we will let you know what can and cannot be done. We want you to be at your best so you can show everyone your best.
    For a PDF version of the rules click on the more information link